We eventually hooked up with the Casa owner but were greatly disappointed with she we ended up. Mainly no air con. Yes I know we should harden up but it was filthy hot and there are a 100 other places which would have had air con.
Anyway enough of the bad. Trinidad is an amazing place and one of the most photogenic towns I have ever been in. The cobblestone streets and the Spanish influence are quite visible as the weather was hot. We spent the afternoon wandering around loving all the brightly colored houses.
While walking down one street we came across a dancing school. We stopped in and did a salsa lesson. It reminded me as to why I don't dance but we had heaps of fun anyway. We got home to watch the sunset from our roof terrace and practice our new found dance moves.
We went and had drinks with a Polish couple who we travelled from Vinales to Cienfuegos with. We ended up at the Casa de la Musique which is the main party place in town where everyone gets up and busts a move. Sadly the tempo was a bit quick for our new found moves.
Anyway I have lots of photos so will continue the blog on another page.
One of the old town squares in Trinidad
Our ride from Cienfuegos
Tracy busting a move
Me attempting to bust a move
Some random streetscapesKite flying was a hugely popular pastime of the snappers in Trinidad.
the vies from the roof of our Casa
The Casa de la Musique pumping at night
it was common to see fruit and veggies being sold from people's doorways like this.
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